Page 1 

By Ralph Sal Biscaglia.

I am updating and upgrading the U.S.A. English language for a more quality and prosperous life.
I do this by reoccurrencing words more often.

Correct the U.S.A English Language

Add 29% to your success spelling the word success this way: suqsess.

"Using the wrong letters is like putting the wrong oil in your engine."

The way the word correct is spelled in is proof of how difficult it is to stay correct in the U.S.A can help Social Security Benefits, Retirement insurance, Disability because of Taxes.

The U.S.A English Language can be a Utopian Language.

If there is any difficulty understanding, go to page 4

  • The next word you hear, speak, see or write down really can invalidly manipulate your way of thinking. 
    Brain cell (neuron) speeds range from 60 M.P.H to 220 M.P.H.
  • Every letter has a different and its own brain cell (neuron) speed and every word does too. 
    The U.S.A English language is an angry and crusading language and it worked from the 13 colonies to the 50 states. 
  • Now that there are permanent borders the U.S.A is angry and crusading against itself because words are misspelled and outdated because of technology. 
  • To correct the U.S.A English language and prevent temper problems and prevent anger problems and prevent high blood pressure and increase reocurrencing customers to your store and increase revenue circulation; I Ralph Sal Biscaglia plan on changing important words, starting with the letters  C and K and also in the word itself to the letters q or s.
  • This can also reduce addictions because of the manipulation of misspelled words that cause stress, anxiety and anger that causes addictions.

I Ralph Sal Biscaglia. D.O.B August 16, 1962 a.d. (born two weeks early) have traded or bartered with close to 2 thousand similar copies and close to 1 thousand near the same copies and at least 6 years of advertisement and not one complaint about advertisement.

U.S.A. is in debt to China 1.2 Trillion dollars as of August 2017 A.D.


U.S.A. is in debt to Japan 1.22 Trillion dollars as of August 2017 A.D.

can do = r = 42%
qan do = r = 58%


Neutrality = 10 letters
Neutrallity = 11 letters

10 = Conduct in the Chinese book of changes I Ching
11 = Peace I Ching


Page 2 

There are 3 letters in the U.S.A English language that sounds the same. C the K and the Q. That is why the U.S.A English language is to be corrected.

There are percentages involved.

Percentages can give you more saner brain cell (neuron) speeds because it would be a guidance to more sanity and reliability. 

I have a calculation that isn’t difficult.
r = Reoccurrencing Potential Percentage

Letters of the U.S.A alphabet 
from L to the X = 100% = r

Letters of the U.S.A alphabet 
from Y to the Letter K = 0% = d

r= Reoccurrencing Potential Percentage 
r= Quality of a word

d= Damnation. 
(The true definitions of damnation is something "NEW". Not a curse as used in common language)
d= One Time. Something new. Not a reoccurrence.
Therefore Re is GOOD, because re is the best prefix in the U.S.A English language. That is why to update and upgrade the U.S.A. English language is to change the letters C and K to the letter Q. The next letter is r and then re.

It indicates Redamnations. 
Redamnations is all damnations used as reference.
defer or refer
degrade or regrade
deplete vs replete

Search Results:
57,000 reults in 0.44 seconds, or ..about 119,000 results in .66 seconds. What is a result?

A Result is the total combined number of records in Googles databases that in some way could be considered related to the search term(s) found in the search string. The word "car" could be related to Audi or car-top-carrier or AmTrak train cars, etc. A large array of servers (computers) is assigned a portion of the results to organize it by relevance based on a secret formulas or algorithms. These criteria may include user info, location, search history, habits, result popularity, trends, time, website quality, spelling etc. Each server returns the top x number of results (website urls) based on its portion of the work. When all records are returned a master list of links is presented with the highest quality results on the first few pages. Most of the results are discarded. Most people rarely go past first or second search results page, so presenting more than about 1000 results for any given search would be a waste of computing resources.


Page 3 

Pet Owner.
r  r   r r r  r

Pet = r = 67%       Owner: r r r  r = 80%

3 letters              5 letters

+ r=67%
+ r=80%
= 147%

2 words = 147 / 2 = 73.5   r= 74%  (Utopian)

A different way of learning

Virus is spelled very wrong.

r  rrr = r = 80% and more because of the first letter.

Other words that are spelled very wrong:

rrr rr = r = 83% and more because of the first letter.

rrrr  = r = 80% and more because the first letter.

In my opinion, Ralph Sal Biscaglia prevents the fall of a country because once a country (U.S.A) stops crusading, that country makes borders and their angry and crusading language destroys the country within.



Page 4 gives extra Casino Life for Casino people.

r = How much a word reoccurrences in the U.S.A English language

     r r r=r=

3 r letters.   r=50%
6 Letters in the word Casino
3/6 = 1/2 = 50%

   r = 50%
+ r = 25%
    r = 75%

2 Words.
75% / 2=37.5%

Life = r = 25%

1 r letter.   r=25%
4 Letters in the word Life
1/4 = 25%

37.5 % on the average for the two words. To update and upgrade Casino Life.


r   r  r r

4 r letters.   r=67%
6 Letters in the Word
4/6 = 2/3 = 67%

   r = 67%
+ r = 25%
    r = 92%

2 Words.
92% / 2=46%

Life = r = 25%

1 r letter.   r=25%
4 Letters in the Word
1/4 = 25%

46 % on the average for the two words and more of a percentage because of the first Letter Q in Qasino reoccurrences Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck more often.

Mickey = r = 17%

1 r letter.   r=17%
6 letters in the word Mickey
1/6 = 17%

   r = 17%
+ r = 80%
    r = 97%

2 Words.
97% / 2=48.5%

Mouse = r = 80%
r r r r

4 r letters.   r=80%
5 letters in the word Mouse
4/5 = 80%

48.5 % on the average for the two words without upgrade.


Miqqey = r = 50%
r   r r

3 r letters.   r=50%
6 letters in the word Miqqey
3/6 = 1/2 = 50%

   r = 50%
+ r = 80%
    r = 130%

2 Words.
130% / 2=65%

Mouse = r = 80%
r r r r

4 r letters.   r=80%
5 letters in the word Mouse
4/5 = 80%

65 % on the average for the two words by replacing ck with qq in Mickey.

Donald = r = 50%
   r r  r

3 r letters.   r=50%
6 letters in the word Donald
3/6 = 1/2 = 50%

   r = 50%
+ r = 25%
    r = 75%

2 Words.
75% / 2=37.5%

Duck = r = 25%

1 r letter.   r=25%
4 letters in the word Duqq
1/4 = 25%

37.5% on the average for the two words without upgrade.


Donald = r = 50%
   r r  r

3 r letters.   r=50%
6 Letters in the word Donald
3/6 = 1/3 = 50%

   r = 50%
+ r = 75%
    r = 125%

2 Words.
125% / 2=62.5%

Duqq = r = 75%
   r r r

3 r letters.   r=75%
4 Letters in the word Duck
3/4 = 75%

62.5 % on the average for the two words by replacing ck with qq in Duck.


Page 5 

Some words are spelled perfectly. Trust = r = 100%

There are more words that need to be corrected: 

Democracy=r=33% Remoqrasy=r=67% * (See note below)
Compact=r=57% Qompaqt=r= 86%
Car=r=33% Qar=r=67%
Care=r=25% Qare=r=50%
Concern=r=57% Qonsern=r=75%
Currency=r=50% Qurrensy=r=75%
Cash=r=25% Qash=r=50%
Peace=r=20% Pease=r=40%
Clean=r=40% Qlean=r=60%
City=r=25% Sity=r=50%
County=r=67% Qounty=r=83%
Park=r=50% Parq=r=75%
Cooperate=r=56% Qooperate=r=67%
Think=r=40% Thinq=r=60%
Conduct=r=57% Qonduqt=r=86%
Coordination=r=58% Qoordination=r=67%
Couch=r=40% Qouqh=r=80%
Comply=r=67% Qomply=r=83%
Complete=r=63% Qomplete=r=75%
Sincere=r=43% Sinsere=r=57%
Discipline=r=40% Dissipline=r=50%
Security=r=50% Sequrity=r=63%
Comfortable=r=56% Qomfortable=r=64%
Concentrate=r=56% Qonsentrate=r=89%
Patience=r=38% Patiense=r=50%
For Real Estate Value
Reticence=r=33% Retisense=r=56%
Tolerance=r=56% Toleranse=r=67%
Respect=r=57% Respeqt=r=71%
Thank=r=40% Thanq=r=60%
Work=r=75% Worq=r=100%
Market=r=50% Marqet=r=67%
Balance=r=29% Balanse=r=43%
Protect=r=71% Proteqt=r=86%
Agriculture=r=67% Agriqulture=r=78%
Caution=r=57% Qaution=r=71%
Domestic=r=50% Domestiq=r=63%


Calm=r=50% Qalm=r=75%
Success=r=57% Suqsess=r=86%
Luck=r=50% Luq=r=100%

 * Remoqrasy, the same as Democracy and reoccurrences Democracy more often than usual.


Page 6 helps you remember
to think before you act.

(Stay saner during war)

A different way of learning

  1. The word virus is spelled epidemically and pandemically wrong.
  2. Why would anybody want to collect foodstamps when the word suqsess can reoccurrence at 86% instead of today reoccurrencing at only 57%.

Economy = r = 57%

Eqonomy = r = 71%

71% - 57% = 14% extra reoccurrencing percentage.

The U.S.A. economy is 15 Trillion Dollars GNP.

15 X 0.14 = 2.1

2.1 Trillion Dollars difference between economy and eqonomy.

Reinspire your transaction and business mind and also your understanding of survival.

Most words 
r=67% or under and need to be spelled differently to be upgraded and updated to reoccurrence more often.

Reduces domestic arguments
Reduces stress and adds suqsess
Reoccurrences more customers

Qorreqt=r=86% Suqsess=r=86%

Get more out of
Made in China

Qhina = r = 40% and more of a percentage because of the first letter that is changed to a q.

Get more out of
Made in Japan

Toyota = r = 67% and more of a percentage because of the first letter.

Most words are
67% and under that need to be corrected.

Copyright © 2006 a.d. and before because of taking notes for 2 or 3 years. Making 3 new molecules a minute
to cure ozone problems and diseases.

One of the most important websites in the world got away.


Page 7 


List of utopian words or words that can be changed to a utopian level giving the word more quality by reoccurrencing the word more often than usual.

  1. Utopian = r = 71% and more because of the first letter and the first 4 r letters in a row.
  2. Rome = r = 75% and more because of the first letter and the first 3 r letters in a row.
  3. Qonvenient = r = 70% and more because of the first letter being changed.
  4. Stores = r = 83%
  5. Mongoose = r = 75% and more because of the first letter and the first three letters in a row.
  6. Luck = r = 50% becomes Luq = r = 100%
  7. Qasinos = r = 71% and more because the first letter is changed to a Q.
  8. Spoqane = r = 71%

Economy Colony can turn into a Utopian Society with enough people who visit and understand


Page 8 

USA Today Newspaper:

There are 15.7 million millionaires in the U.S.A.
43% of all millionaires in the world.

Source: Credit Suisse Research Institute's
2015 a.d. "Global Wealth Report"

CNN News:

U.S.A. is exporting its own oil recently.

December 2015 a.d.

Get more out of
Made in China

Qhina = r = 40% and more of a percentage because of the first letter that is changed to a q.

Get more out of
Made in Japan

Toyota = r = 67% and more of a percentage because of the first letter.

Most words are
67% and under that need to be corrected.

Copyright © 2006 a.d. and before because of taking notes for 2 or 3 years.

Page 9 

The prefix “re” is the most important prefix for the money and sanity.

Close a sale=  60%
Qlose a sale = 80%

Increase in sales is 20% and more because of the first letter.
Q near the r and then re.

Every Letter has its own brain cell speed,
and every word does too.

To "Close" a sale or "Qlose" a sale!

C  = r = 0%
L  = r = 100%
O  = r = 100%
S  = r = 100%
E  = r = 0%
300% or 3.
3 divided by 5 is 0.6 or 60%.
3 r letters
5 letters in the word close.
3 divided by 5 60% = r = 60%

Q  = r = 100%
L  = r = 100%
O  = r = 100%
S  = r = 100%
E  = r = 0%
 400% or 4.
4 divided by 5 is 0.8 or 80% = r = 80%.
20% extra in closing a sale.
5 letters in the word close.



co = with Money


co = with money

qo = r = 100% + money = 60%

100% + 60% = 160%

160% ÷ 2 = 80%

2 words

co = 50% money = 60%

50% + 60% = 110%

110% ÷ 2 = 55%


close a sale

close = r = 60%

qlose = r = 80%

qlose a sale

qlose = r = 80%

qo money = 80%

qo money = r = 80% = 80% = r = qlose a sale


Fort Lauderdale
January 2018 a.d.



Letter to the Nobel Peace Prize committee in Sweden.

Updating and Upgrading the USA English language, can make the USA English language the most popular language in the world, because of the utopian level that the USA English language can be from r=67% to r=100%. R= Reoccurrencing Potential Percentage.
r=Quality of the word, because of the word reoccurrencing more often. Words like suqsess = r = 86% instead of 57% and words like suqsessfull = r = 80% instead of r = 60% and accomplishments = r = 81% instead of r = 66%. The popularity of these kind of words, that are respelled to a utopian level of spelling, attract millions of people to the USA and that means lots of extra money, in the millions of dollars and billions of dollars and lots more money that could add up to extra trillions of dollars for your state to tax and the USA government to tax for social security people.

Organization = r = 50%
Organisation = r = 58% (British Spelling)

Globalization = r = 46%
Globalisation = r = 46% (British Spelling)

If you belive in and you want tthe USA to get a Nobel Peace Prize. Write to or Fax or Phone or Email:

Norwegian Nobel Committee
Henrik Ibsens Gate 51
0255 Oslo

Swedish Nobel Committee
PO Box 2118
S.E. -103 13 Stockholm

Phone +46-(0)8-555-12500
Fax +46-(0)8-555-12549

Visiting Address:
Källargränd 4
111 29 Stockholm, Sweden

  • Solar Power.

    373,807 Solar Power workers compared to 187,117 workers in fossil fuels.
  • Super Computer Award.

    The USA won the super computer award. China won the super computer award last time. 3 new molecules per minute to cure ozone problems and diseases.
  • Anti Aging Enzyme.

    There is an enzyme that stops the body from aging, that scientists found.
  • Successful = r = 60%
    Suqsessful = r = 80%  Big Difference

    Accomplishments = r 65%
    Aqqomplishments = r = 80% Big Difference

  • Save the USA.
    Visit today.
  • Killer Super Volcano.
    Ancient Killer Super Volcano Stir Again 125 miles south of Rome Italy. If the super volcano erupts 500,000 people would be devastated.
    - Lincoln Nebraska Newspaper.
  • Sister Cities or town twinning.

    • Used for Citizen Diplomacy network between the U.S. and other countries for support and funding.
    • More than 2,000 cities and states and counties have partnered in 136 countries. St Petersburg Russia holds the record for sister cities or town twinnings.
    • European Union supports town twinning established in 1995 a.d. In 1995 a.d. the European Union had more than 7,000 bilateral relationships involving almost 10,000 European municipalities primarily French and German.
    • A sister city can be very dangerous if their country is provoked or destroyed.
  • If you made 20,000 dollars a year in the last 3 years, 20,000 x 3 = 60,000 dollars, you lost 12,000 dollars without
  • There will be only 35 states in the U.S.A. in the year 2025 a.d.
    - U.S.A. Today newspaper
  • India has 800 nuclear weapons. China has 500 nuclear weapons.
    - U.S.A Today newspaper
  • Ten years ago U.S.A was warned about having too many killer satellites.
  • Learn from number 1 instead of arguing with number 1 and become number 1 anyway.
  • India has a severe drought going on 350 million people are suffering.

    India is a commonwealth country like Russia England Canada Australia New Zeeland and Pakistan and the Ukraine are also commonwealth countries. The U.S.A. has 4 commonwealth states Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky and Massachusetts. Commonwealths are 1/4 the population of the world and 1/4 of the land of the world.
  • When you give to you are helping the USA get a Nobel Peace Prize.

    You also get to remember the Utopian Level of the USA English language. The way life can be in the USA with And the USA English language can be the most popular language in the world.

  • Souvenir

    77,000 results or visits to in .44 seconds



  • You should remember this can make the U.S.A. English language the popular language in the world. That means a lot of money from Travelers, Visitors, and Tourists from all over the world. Because of upgrading of the U.S.A. English language to a Utopian Level of spelling words.





  • Quality Deterrent is a quality deterrent against domestic violence.





  • Tax Write Off

    The tax write off is the money spent on positive thinking literature for advertisement and public relations for sales vocabulary.





  • Screen Time

    U.S.A. Americans spend 5.4 hours a day during the weekdays on reading email and paperwork.

    - September 2017 A.D.  U.S.A. Today Newspaper





Has the population of the world been as
Educated and Healthy in history?

A gift of 1.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 5.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 10.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 20.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 100.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 7,000.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 10,000.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 20,000.00 dollars
to yourself.

When you give to you get a tax write off. Example: Occupational Sales etc.

The vastness of the USA constitution protects the people in the USA.

If every person that went to, would talk about to one person a month, would be accomplished in 5 months. 800,000 views.

Accomplished = r = 43%
Aqqomplished = r = 60%
Big Difference

Total Page Views 228706