Page 4 gives extra Casino Life for Casino people.

r = How much a word reoccurrences in the U.S.A English language

     r r r=r=

3 r letters.   r=50%
6 Letters in the word Casino
3/6 = 1/2 = 50%

   r = 50%
+ r = 25%
    r = 75%

2 Words.
75% / 2=37.5%

Life = r = 25%

1 r letter.   r=25%
4 Letters in the word Life
1/4 = 25%

37.5 % on the average for the two words. To update and upgrade Casino Life.


r   r  r r

4 r letters.   r=67%
6 Letters in the Word
4/6 = 2/3 = 67%

   r = 67%
+ r = 25%
    r = 92%

2 Words.
92% / 2=46%

Life = r = 25%

1 r letter.   r=25%
4 Letters in the Word
1/4 = 25%

46 % on the average for the two words and more of a percentage because of the first Letter Q in Qasino reoccurrences Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck more often.

Mickey = r = 17%

1 r letter.   r=17%
6 letters in the word Mickey
1/6 = 17%

   r = 17%
+ r = 80%
    r = 97%

2 Words.
97% / 2=48.5%

Mouse = r = 80%
r r r r

4 r letters.   r=80%
5 letters in the word Mouse
4/5 = 80%

48.5 % on the average for the two words without upgrade.


Miqqey = r = 50%
r   r r

3 r letters.   r=50%
6 letters in the word Miqqey
3/6 = 1/2 = 50%

   r = 50%
+ r = 80%
    r = 130%

2 Words.
130% / 2=65%

Mouse = r = 80%
r r r r

4 r letters.   r=80%
5 letters in the word Mouse
4/5 = 80%

65 % on the average for the two words by replacing ck with qq in Mickey.

Donald = r = 50%
   r r  r

3 r letters.   r=50%
6 letters in the word Donald
3/6 = 1/2 = 50%

   r = 50%
+ r = 25%
    r = 75%

2 Words.
75% / 2=37.5%

Duck = r = 25%

1 r letter.   r=25%
4 letters in the word Duqq
1/4 = 25%

37.5% on the average for the two words without upgrade.


Donald = r = 50%
   r r  r

3 r letters.   r=50%
6 Letters in the word Donald
3/6 = 1/3 = 50%

   r = 50%
+ r = 75%
    r = 125%

2 Words.
125% / 2=62.5%

Duqq = r = 75%
   r r r

3 r letters.   r=75%
4 Letters in the word Duck
3/4 = 75%

62.5 % on the average for the two words by replacing ck with qq in Duck.

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Accomplished = r = 43%
Aqqomplished = r = 60%
Big Difference

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