Time Spent on Email

  • Screen Time

    U.S.A. Americans spend 5.4 hours a day during the weekdays on reading email and paperwork.

    - September 2017 A.D.  U.S.A. Today Newspaper




Has the population of the world been as
Educated and Healthy in history?

A gift of 1.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 5.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 10.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 20.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 100.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 7,000.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 10,000.00 dollars
to yourself.

A gift of 20,000.00 dollars
to yourself.

When you give to correctusa.com you get a tax write off. Example: Occupational Sales etc.

The vastness of the USA constitution protects the people in the USA.

If every person that went to correctusa.com, would talk about correctusa.com to one person a month, correctusa.com would be accomplished in 5 months. 800,000 views.

Accomplished = r = 43%
Aqqomplished = r = 60%
Big Difference

Total Page Views 243316