There are 3 letters in the U.S.A English language that sounds the same. C the K and the Q. That is why the U.S.A English language is to be corrected.
There are percentages involved.
Percentages can give you more saner brain cell (neuron) speeds because it would be a guidance to more sanity and reliability.
I have a calculation that isn’t difficult.
r = Reoccurrencing Potential Percentage
Letters of the U.S.A alphabet
from L to the X = 100% = r
Letters of the U.S.A alphabet
from Y to the Letter K = 0% = d
r= Reoccurrencing Potential Percentage
r= Quality of a word
d= Damnation.
(The true definitions of damnation is something "NEW". Not a curse as used in common language)
d= One Time. Something new. Not a reoccurrence.
Therefore Re is GOOD, because re is the best prefix in the U.S.A English language. That is why to update and upgrade the U.S.A. English language is to change the letters C and K to the letter Q. The next letter is r and then re.
It indicates Redamnations.
Redamnations is all damnations used as reference.
defer or refer
degrade or regrade
deplete vs replete
Search Results:
57,000 reults in 0.44 seconds, or ..about 119,000 results in .66 seconds. What is a result?
A Result is the total combined number of records in Googles databases that in some way could be considered related to the search term(s) found in the search string. The word "car" could be related to Audi or car-top-carrier or AmTrak train cars, etc. A large array of servers (computers) is assigned a portion of the results to organize it by relevance based on a secret formulas or algorithms. These criteria may include user info, location, search history, habits, result popularity, trends, time, website quality, spelling etc. Each server returns the top x number of results (website urls) based on its portion of the work. When all records are returned a master list of links is presented with the highest quality results on the first few pages. Most of the results are discarded. Most people rarely go past first or second search results page, so presenting more than about 1000 results for any given search would be a waste of computing resources.